Well I am. The beast, which besieges us conveyors of opinion, can strike at any time. It inhibits you, entangling all bursts of imagination. Frustration inevitably ensues which only serves to prolong the frustration and lead to bouts of staring at the cursor in vain………….
I’ve just returned from grooming myself as a result of the aforementioned frustration. Its hard writing interesting crap for my loyal readers. Although the vast majority of you who began reading this have probably given up and returned to looking at porn, youtube or youporn. The rest who remain reading are incredibly bored or cannot access any other websites. Writers block anyway. Its like erectile dysfunction from what I’ve read. You really want to write. I mean really really want to do it. Its an attractive subject your about to tackle and you’ve been thinking about it for ages. You get to the point where you’ve got a naked word document in front of you. The cursor is winking as if to say “I’m ready; put your fingers on the keyboard and lets get going”.
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"Sure, I look cool but Ive been staring at that lamp for 6 hours" |
The writer just stares and nothing happens. Zip, nada, zilch. It’s a depressing feeling. A feeling of embarrassment and shame. This block is only over when the pressure is relieved. After this release, the desire and ability to spurn out any old crap to my readers returns. Anyway, apparently it happens to most men, I mean writers.
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