

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Sensationalism. by Frank Lee

Sensationalism is how we organise our news. Each month we have a new concern that we must dread. I first recall this dread machine with the AIDS scare. We were all to die if we went within ten yards of an infected person. This pestilence would wipe out the human race within ten years. Of course, it didn't quite happen as planned. We're all still alive, surprise, surprise. But the scares persist; drugs, weapons of mass destruction, guns, bird flu. The list continues but mankind's population keeps exploding, so somehow the attrition of these scares is minimal. No end to wars, huge famines, car crashes, terrorism, State or otherwise, have barely dented the exponential growth of the human race. Onward we race, six billion and growing. Maybe obesity will be our saving grace, killed of by over indulgence on cream buns and burgers. Yes, newspapers and other media outlets have sensationalised obesity and anorexia, the list continues. On top of all this we have the fear of fear itself.

How sad can you get? Whilst this sensationalism continues we ignore real problems, such as the dire state of fashion these days. One only need look at the design of shirts this last decade, drabness personified. Also the uniform look of all fashions; “designer” worn out jeans and drab polo shirts. Yes we have a lot to fear. Not an overcrowded world, but a world that has no differences; same food, same clothes, same cars, same music. Same BRANDS. What a nightmare. So stop this crap. Who cares that Jordan has three tits! So what if David Beckham is screwing around. Who cares? Each village should have their own celebrity, who would be the bearer of local fashion, (iconography at home), that each locality could relate to. Let us kill off the brands with their complete boredom and lack of style and originality. Not sensationalism but individuality. Instead of international rules, each county has it's own rules for sport, driving laws, etc. lets go local.

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